Your Trusted Experts in Electric Bike and Bicycle Repairs

About Us
Your Trusted Experts in E-bike and Bike Repairs
BikeLane was born out of a desire to make bicycle and e-bike repair services more accessible and convenient for the Lethbridge and southern Albertan community. By offering both in-store AND mobile options for bicycle and electric bicycle repair services, BikeLane allows you to choose which works best for your lifestyle.
Why choose BikeLane? We specialize in providing top-notch e-bike repair services, ensuring your ride is always safe, efficient, and enjoyable. Our team is certified by the Canadian Electric Bicycle Association (CEBA), reflecting our commitment to excellence and expertise in e-bike maintenance.
Give us a call or text if you have any at questions (403) 331-9852.
Our Values
Contact Us
1104 2nd Ave South Lethbridge
Open hours
Tuesday - Saturday
10 AM - 5 PM